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Who is Megan Loreen?


Everyone has a story.  My story has taken a few detours or back-roads, generally going in the right direction.  Those gravel roads have given me experiences I use today, and make me a unique aerialist and coach.






Just for fun :)


I am a HUGE David Bowie lover and 90s girl.  My absolute favorite show I've ever been a part of was Underground: An Aerial Burlesque Homage to Labyrinth, produced by Vixxen Vermilion and Laurynn Ipsum.  Not the biggest show I've been in, but I got to play the role of Jareth (swoon) and the cast was such a wonderful family.

Round, chonky animals are also important.  My Instagram feed is part aerial, part Bowie, and part animals.  Love watching a good animal post!


educate . perform . inspire

Quality aerial instruction online and in-person.

Performance booking for private and public events.

Giving back to the aerial and circus community.

This concept is 100% what I am about. 
I started as an educator, not just in aerial.  I can't help but want to assist others in their journey, and I take great pride in watching someone learn a skill in a fraction of the time it took me to plod through it.
Performance is nourishment.  It gives life to many who participate or experience.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”- Maya Angelou.  Giving back is a selfless way to inspire that I hope all artists embrace.
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